Tuesday 18 January 2011

STOP PRESS - Rose update!

I've just had a call from Catherine, who owns Rose, the lovely big mare who was with us from August-October.  Before she came here, she was assessed as bilaterally 2-3/10 lame on a circle by her vet.

She was one of our older horses, at 15, but that didn't stand in the way of her growing a great new set of hooves: http://rockleyfarm.blogspot.com/2010/11/rose-update-photos.html  You can also see her video footage in the bar on the right.

Since going back home to North Yorkshire Rose has had to contend with some very severe winter weather but she is apparently on top form.  I knew she had been going well as Catherine had kindly sent me updates, but the icing on the cake is that she has now been re-assessed by her vet and has been passed completely sound :-) FANTASTIC news - and the vet's comment was that she was not just sound but moving brilliantly!
Its very exciting - of course the most important thing is for the horse to be sound and the owner to be happy, but it adds enormously to the credibility of what we do when an objective veterinary assessment backs it up.

Its not always practical or possible for every owner to have a re-assessment done, of course, but thank you Catherine, for going to the trouble of having Rose re-assessed, and well done to you and Rose - may 2011 be your best year yet :-)


  1. The STYLISH BLOGGER AWARD is waiting for you to pick it up at my blog (Nina's Story).
