Saturday 11 December 2010

Thank you!

Thanks so much to all if you who got in touch following Dad's accident - the online community is a remarkable thing, really - much more real than virtual.  I went to see him last night and he is very cheerful and looking forward to getting mobile again :-)  I am sure he will not let it slow him down for long!

I got back home last night to find that almost the last of the snow and ice was gone - we've had a very quick thaw, because I only took these photos yesterday morning...

"Ah, Ginger, my dear fellow, help yourself to a bit of snow-cone..."
"Thank you Solomon, I don't mind if I do."


  1. So glad your dad is feeling chipper, and hope he heals quickly.

  2. Hope you Dad makes a quick recovery and is out soon for Christmas.

  3. Ditto the others, hope your Dad makes a speedy recovery. It's good that he is cheerful and staying positive :)

  4. Thank you :-) Since my parents plan to be at Rockley for Xmas, I am very glad we have no stairs ;-)
