Wednesday 29 December 2010

So here we all are...

...between Christmas and New Year...

Up here, the snow has suddenly all gone and we've gone from -10 at night and -5 during the day to + 7 in less than 24 hours.  We are all now hopelessly overdressed, and I am even thinking it wouldn't be cruel to clip the hunters again....

On the plus side, its warm, its no longer necessary to chip frozen piles of poo off the track, and there may even be a chance that hunting will briefly resume before the next freeze.

On the minus side, its foggy, murky and disgustingly damp; although the roads are now rideable, they are lethal because visibility is down to 10 feet and to be honest I preferred exercising the horses in the snow under a crystal blue sky and with a perfect conformable surface under their hooves...Not to mention the fact that we've replaced pristine, clean white snow with sludgy brown mud, of course...

Still, the horses are all on a roll (albeit sometimes in the mud) and there are lots of updates to come on the rehab horses before the New Year :-)

Hope you all had a great Christmas and that all your mucking-out had a tinge of tinsel ;-)

1 comment:

  1. NJ has tons of snow now. I remembered your recent post and went for a little run in the snow. My horse was delighted! Enjoy the mud, hope it's gone soon.
