Tuesday 26 October 2010

Hunting photos from the time when the weather was lovely...

Our treasured high pressure weather system has now disappeared - its wet, wild and windy and although the temperature has gone up a few degrees, its no consolation for the loss of the wonderful clear, cold days we've had so much of this month. 

Fortunately, I've still got the photos, even if Exmoor doesn't look anything like this today(!)...I've got footage of Kingsley and Rose to put up on the blog, but for today, just in case there are others who wish we could turn the clock back, weather-wise, here are some sunny photos - probably all the sun we will get for a while...(!)

8am on Exmoor, another glorious morning
Charlie, promoted for one day only to be the master's horse, and rather pleased with himself...
The smallest members of the field :-)

...but no problem keeping up!

The Exmoor ponies wondering whether to join in...


  1. Oh my. I want that little pony. How adorable!

    And I just love the way the grey is looking at the pony as if to say, "What IS eeet!?!?"

  2. Ah, he is the business, isn't he?! The rider is George, who has been out with us a few times, and the Shetland (I think!) is Pumpkin :-) Angel and Charlie also clocked him and went "OMG - that can't be the same species as us..." but he proved them wrong ;-)
