Thursday 30 September 2010

...more about tracks...

One of the things about having tracks is that they need regular TLC!  On a daily basis of course you have to muck out, but because of our high rainfall the pea gravel tends to move about and over time it needs to be topped up. 

So last week, we had a visit from a 16 tonne lorry and a new batch of gravel was dumped on the yard - its hard to recall that all our gravel was that amazing shade of pink once! 
 Its because it comes from south Devon, where the soil is that unmistakeable shade  - the stone is pinkish too, but not quite so shocking once it washes out :-)
Felix and Angel found it most entertaining to fling the gravel here and there...
and of course it is perfect stuff to roll in...

There is no doubt that the horses - even the ones who have no need of it for hoof rehab purposes - absolutely love the stuff, whether for walking on, rolling in or simply standing in while they eat their haylage. 

1 comment:

  1. Once again, your post on tracks is inspiring. I especially love the pictures of the horses rolling in their favorite pea gravel!
