Tuesday 31 August 2010

The sun shines on the righteous?

We were lucky over the weekend that the sun shone on Saturday for the hunt breakfast, which came to Rockley for the first time (the breakfast, not the sun - though some of the rehab horses are amazed at the change in the weather, never having seen the sun up here to date...).

We and the team were too busy serving sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and toast to get out on horseback, but fortunately Richard took Felix, who would have sulked for weeks if hounds had been here and he hadn't been joining them(!).

Although there were some heavy showers on Sunday, yesterday the long-awaited high pressure finally arrived, and everyone on Exmoor who still had hay to cut - us included - duly went into a frenzy of mowing and turning which will last the rest of the week. The forecast is for more blue skies, crisp nights and warm days - I hope they are right!

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