Tuesday 22 June 2010

Its summer...and a Lexus update

For the first time in 2 years we are having a real summer - blue skies and warm weather day after day - its hard to believe but its happening (!)...I would start worrying about water shortages normally, as the ground is now so dry, but with Wimbledon and Glastonbury both running over the next 2 weeks, surely we are guaranteed some rain?

Today was Lexus' day, however, and after a very busy weekend, with owners here both days and Lady going home, we decided that Monday morning was a good time for him to have a special trip out.

Lex not only came here with a lameness problem but was also a reluctant traveller. True to his gentlemanly nature, he would load willingly, only to start crashing about and being generally very unhappy once in motion. Luckily, this was easily solved by travelling him in our big trailer with no partitions, so he could spread his weight and shift about if he felt unsteady.

Today definitely a grand day out for Lex, as we and Chris, his owner, decided to box him, Jacko and Felix to a different part of Exmoor for a ride Andy and I had never done. Lex travelled perfectly, and so we set off on a spectacular ride which took us out along the cliffs near Lynton. The sea was flat calm and Caribbean blue, and although Jacko once or twice thought about spooking on the narrow paths, his sense of self-preservation fortunately stopped him from throwing himself down a sheer 300ft cliff (!). Felix and Lex of course behaved as if it was a walk in the park...

Lex finished the 2 hr ride in fine form, despite having had to deal with some very stony tracks, and boxed just as calmly back here, so all in all an extremely successful day.

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