Wednesday 31 March 2010

Quote of the week!

...from a vet, this time - the friend who was out on Charlie on Saturday, who emailed me yesterday. We spent lots of time talking about hooves, and the fascinating changes you get in horses going barefoot and working hard over tough terrain. It was the first time he had hunted a barefoot horse, and we were also talking about the possibilities for more ongoing research.

"Having ridden a barefoot horse for 21 miles over the pretty rugged conditions of Exmoor on Saturday, I am very interested to see what is actually going on in these horses' feet."

Edited to add: I CANNOT BELIEVE IT - more snow last night - for Pete's sake, its April tomorrow, and we came home in a blizzard last night, and there is snow lying and gale force winds this morning...Horses all in the barn refusing to go out - don't blame them (except Bailey, crazy witch is on the track for reasons best known to herself...). Tractor has a bust tyre so am waiting for that to be repaired, then can at least move enough haylage to keep all horses and cows happy for the next few days despite the weather. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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