Friday 21 August 2009

The grass is greener... south Devon! I was there trimming horses yesterday and several of the horses, due to circumstances entirely out of the owners' control, had been in lighter work than usual since I last saw them.

You would normally think that by late August the grass would be less of a problem, but all these horses had been faring extremely well even on limited, night-time grazing on relatively "poor" fields.

One client has just taken a second cut from her hay fields and got 70 big bales from 11 acres - thats nearly twice what we would get up here. It just goes to show how incredibly rich the land is down there but of course its proving a headache for horse-owners, as most horses just don't need anything like that level of goodness as a maintenance ration(!).

As I got back up here, of course, I got out of the truck after trimming all day in a t-shirt and put on a long-sleeved top and a fleece - home sweet home ;-)

1 comment:

  1. yes but I would have had to put on a long sleeve top, fleece and a coat!


