Saturday 30 May 2009

Jumping - first time in ages!

Felix and I had a blast yesterday at our local hunter trial.  He hasn't jumped at all this season, but his little eyes lit up when he saw we were going XC and we had so much fun.  Did the pairs with a friend (and had a runout at a skinny - DOH!) and then went clear in the open - yippee!

As you can see, we had the headcam with us but haven't had the chance to sort out the footage yet - will put it up as soon as I can :-)


  1. good work!!

    was it the same one i took dexter to?? if so a year has passed and he has been amazing.....yay!! x

  2. Good for Dexer :-) Yes, same event but different course - D would have loved it - where are you off to next?!


  3. last deadline is Monday!! but Sandra is doing the riding club area dressage on dexter in 2 weeks so I am not going to compete him before then as want him a perrrrrfect way her that after that though I will go out on the last weekend in June- poss ODE or hunter trial.

    how about you ?

    Felix looks FAB in those photos x
