Sunday 29 January 2012

Ups and downs...

I love this photo!  Sarah Farnsworth, who is an ace hunting photographer, came out with us and has just posted the photos on her Facebook page.  I'm going to order a copy of this one because it really captures the terrain :-)
Its always more relaxing going down somewhere like this when you aren't on a young horse(!) - luckily for me I had Felix out - he is the first bay horse in the top group - who thinks nothing of it :-)


  1. Eeeek, those are some steep hills! I'm pretty sure my poor Texas horses would go head-over-teakettle and land in a heap at the bottom if faced with terrain like that.

  2. Fabulous photos.
    I'm dying to know where the photographer was standing or what she was standing on. lol I'm getting vertigo just looking at the photo!

  3. The photographer was at the top of the hill opposite - and once we had come all the way down we had to go all the way up to where she was standing - its steeper on that side as well :-)

  4. Nic-with offering the horse rides/work on varied terrain (such as grass, dirt roads, gravel, sand, etc) that will allow for minimal rasping needed, correct? As they would self trim. That being said; are you a beliver in removing bars? My question is my OTTB's bars tend to quickly run down the length of his frog and either pinch inward, or fold over spreading over his sole. So, I chase it back with knife (actually my trimmer does but I plan to take over as she feels we are ready). Some days my OTTB acts like he loves his bars removed, and others, it seems we've removed too much. Is there a general rule with what you do for that? He's out 24/7 turnout but his 4 acres are grassy/dirt (I board so I'm trying to convince to bring in pea gravel for a tracking area, but no such luck yet) but I ride him out on dirt roads as he can handle it. I know there is a lot of missing holes in diet/exercise, etc but I treat him as IR, to balance carbs/sugars, etc. Thanks, I SO appreciate any feedback. xo
